Thursday, 6 December 2007

Being Chivalrous

I have to bike today despite the fact that's its squash because I haven't done any cycling so far this week. If I can do today and tomorrow then that will salvage the week. For December it isn't remotely cold, not even by L's standards and I get very hot feet in my waterproof bootees.

When I get to work there is an email from my opponent saying he's ill, so no squash. So it was a good call to cycle. I would have been well pissed off if I'd taken the bus and then found out he wasn't playing. Wish I’d brought my swimming stuff now because I also need to do a swim.

L is late emailing me; she says she forgot to check that I'm still alive. Hmmm, fancy forgetting about me. L reckons she's still deaf from the gig last night. I've not exactly got full hearing either.

Pub today, thankfully it's not my turn to drive because there isn't really room for us both on my bike. Steak pie and almost AF... but not quite. Hopefully low alcohol enough not to cause any wobbles on the way home.

Needn't have worried about having a drink, the rain on the way home is very sobering. As its still raining when I get home, I chivalrously collect L from work, which means the rain promptly stops. We decide to take Doggo for a run, which naturally kicks the rain off again.

Back home and dried off for a second time, L cooks a decent chilli and then she has an early night while I update this blog which has slipped well behind schedule. I manage to slot L in later on but although it's after her watershed, I don't think she notices.

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