Monday, 7 May 2007

Secret Shopping

Lie in. Bit of romance. Coffee. Juice. Free Monday Paper. Bit more romance. Coffee. Juice.

I reluctantly break the cycle and go out for a training run with Doggo. Then wish I hadn't bothered. I get well pissed off with him when I have to run back a hundred metres, five times, to chivvy him along. Twice he’s got his nose in the grass perversely licking something, the other times his nose is up some other dog’s bottom. He growls at me and at the other dogs every time I pull him away. He ends up on the lead and eventually I end up dumping him back at home and doing an extra loop on my own. I vow not to take him on the park for a run again.

Drive into town to drop Daughter and her friend at the cinema, another shameless rehash of the Spiderman movie is on, part 33 I believe. Then I drop L at Asda. Then finally I park the car and Doggo in B&Q's car park and go in search of L’s birthday present. My incredibly unique girl wants a deckchair for her birthday. Reason being Doggo, with his ball tossing and towel shagging tendencies prevents any relaxing on our lawn. L reckons she will be safe on a deckchair. I am not so sure. Anyhow the only one that I can track down at short notice is at B&Q. Hawaiian Lime it’s called and so it is.

Hope she likes it.

I struggle to get hold of decent card though and not wishing to brave the hordes in town, I get something awful from Next. Hope she likes it. It's got a dog on but it's a poodle. Best not show it Doggo.

Secret birthday shopping done, I pop in to JJB to try and get some better running shoes for the event on Sunday. Despite my best efforts I still end up only paying £35 for a decent pair of Asics. JJB reckon that is half price. Internet says they may be half-right.

Head back to Asda to pick up L. Hope she doesn't spot the lime green deckchair hidden on the back seat.

In the evening we go to the cinema ourselves, to see Fast Food Nation which is a bit of a disappointment. Even if you discount the short role that Avril Lavigne has in it, she is as bad as you would expect but at least she didn't sing and hers isn't the only bad acting in it. The dark side (is there any other side?) of the fast food industry is an interesting idea for a film but here it's very badly done. As soon as you think they’re going to get their teeth into a particular topic they abandon it and move on to something else.

It tells a number of stories that are linked but then doesn’t seem to connect them together. Instead the film jumps around and nothing is explored enough to become interesting. The film fails to add anything to what I already know about fast food. Although I admit I probably know more than your average fast food eater does, so it's perhaps an education for some.

Overall, it's a wasted opportunity. It is no Super Size Me. Most of the stuff in the film, immigrant workers, artificial flavourings, bad working conditions, animals being killed for meat etc are all common knowledge. The only two shocking parts of it were the fact that faeces makes it into burgers and that workers lose limbs in the factories but in the end both disclosures were brushed under the carpet. Disappointing stuff.

Wentworth Brimstone 5.0% turns up again in the Broadway bar. I have a pint. Very nice but very naughty on a normally AF Monday. Oh well suppose it's a Bank Holiday.

L cooks up some excellent noodles, pesto, prawns, and veg.

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