Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Testing The Water

On Bike. One lorry teased me by seeming to wave me through then pulling out. Hmmm not funny but I didn't fall for it. Then almost had an embarrassing moment and fell off when I forgot to unclip my shoes coming up to a junction because a juggernaut put me off. I managed to get my shoes unclipped just as I was tottering.

L says I'm getting so good at surviving that I won't need my 'lucky routine' soon. Not sure about that. I would like to reinstate my ‘lucky routine’. The problem is I moved the alarm from 6.15 to 6.30 around Xmas when the traffic was lighter and haven’t moved it back yet. I need that extra fifteen minutes in order to get 'lucky'. Will sort it out.

L says she's feeling rough after pigging out on the cake on her night out. She got off lightly, I've just had cake myself purely to replace some calories lost cycling you understand. Toffee Tiffin cake it was and it was vile.

Get home safe and sound. Then after some football with Doggo, the two of us walk with Daughter to guides. L is trying to fit some swimming in tonight but the pool closes at 7.30. It’s a case of either we swim and let Daughter get herself to guides and possibly get murdered on the way or I get her there and be too late for swimming, even if I took the car. So we end up skipping swimming. L says she'll do a 'dog free' run instead so that she gets a workout.

On the way to guides, I indulge in some stick throwing for Doggo and have a sinking feeling that I may be taking too much of an edge off him. Meaning he'll be crap at training tonight.

Of all sports apparently cycling is the one that makes men the horniest. This doesn't work for women, where apparently it's the Gym that does it for them. Naturally after my cycle home I feel in the mood for sex but of course L would say that's always the case. It looks like she's going to be home for around 7.15, so we have an hour or so before she has to collect Daughter and I go to agility. Have a mega sexual thought and wonder if L could be persuaded to transfer her workout to the bedroom rather than do her planned run.

In the end I bump into L just before we get home. Once home she seems in a great mood, very lively and affectionate. I wonder if this means she's horny too. I test the water by removing her jeans. Although it would have been more romantic had I remembered to remove her shoes first. No complaints so far. Having gone this far it would be rude to stop so I carry on as I suppose a dutiful and caring male should.

It's fair to say that my third ride of the day was the best of the three, although the other two did have the disadvantage of being on the bike. Though perhaps it was not such a good idea to decide to turn L over and finish off with me standing up. My calves were screaming blue murder by this point, which perversely added to the thrill of it.

Drag my aching body and Doggo to dog class. The trainer sets up a succession of very difficult courses. We surprise her by turning in a stunningly near perfect performance on the first one.

Then we are summoned to have Doggo measured. Some student (female = brief sexual thought) is doing a dissertation on grade 5 dogs. Who knows why. I expect her to be just measuring his height which is what they do when they categorise the agility dogs but no. She measures his ears, nose, nostrils, knees, thighs... in fact almost everything a girl can lay her hands on, within reason and within the law. Had L not taken the edges off me I might have been jealous. Doggo isn't impressed and at one point he tries to bite her. Although I suppose he may have been trying to bite me because I was holding him back.

Anyhow once this has been done his agility goes totally to pot. Basically he's rubbish and spends all his time sniffing the sand for horse wee or sniffing the bottom of a little white terrier, who only lets him because she fancies Doggo. She'll be lucky; he's only after her bottom. He's so human.

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