Wednesday, 12 September 2007

A Most Convenient Fire

I cycle again today and the traffic is possibly even more horrible than yesterday. I spend a lot of time on the pavement.

L is distressed to find that, at the pool, her doors are still on. So it must have been a man whose complaint did the trick. Either that or a male customer had just had enough and took them off himself.

I light the blue touch paper and recommended Atonement to a friend of mine. He's even more of a Knightly/McAvoy/Chick-flick hater than me. He quickly spots a plot flaw. Keira couldn’t have drowned because she’s so wooden she’d have floated away to safety. Ha ha. I like that.

In response, L says men have no sense of melodrama. Not sure what her point is. I agree it was melodramatic but unnecessarily so. If a woman had written the ending, Keira would have swam to safety, rushed to the Dunkirk, where she would have administered a successful blood transfusion to her man, and then married him in a huge church wedding. Then in part two she would run off and had a passionate affair with the gamekeeper.

The mystery of our ever-increasing broadband bill seems to have been solved. Son has been streaming episodes of South Park. So that would explain why the internet regularly slows to a crawl in the evenings. I was almost right when I suggested he might be downloading porn.

I cycle home through Bramcote, partly so that I can come through Farndon Green. This is so I can check out our Medical Centre that has been damaged by a suspicious fire. The centre was due to close in a few weeks anyway as they are moving to a new building. So what great timing. Looks to me like if they flatten the fire damaged annex at the back and turn that into a garden, then as the main bit hasn't been touched by the fire, it will sell as a house, and they'll probably still have change from the insurance money. How fortunate for them.

I skip the pool and take Doggo out instead. I haven't got time to do both due to the ever-decreasing park hours. We do a loop and end up back at the house only for Daughter to tell us that L has set off in pursuit of us. So much to Doggo's shock we go out again to find L. I can see he doesn't want to go out again but he just can't let me go on my own, it's a collie companionship thing. I bump into L just as she's detouring to go look at the fire damage.

After we've eaten, we have another early-ish night. So enough time for a quickie but L is too tired to fight back.

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