It's a touch cold this morning, a mere seven degrees it says on the thermometer and L says I should wear long trousers to keep my muscles warm. Says she, the injured one, who's about to depart with Doggo for their morning constitutional, in her shorts. When I express my disapproval, she covers up, grudgingly. When they finally depart, I hang back so that I don't upset Doggo by overtaking them. I don't think they see me, skulking behind the parked cars on my bike.
Ride in goes well, although the traffic is very busy and they've scraped all the road surface away in Borrowash. There's another new kid on the block, another girl, very cheery. She positively sings 'Good Morning' as I hurtle past. I have to do a double take, can't be a girl, I didn't think girls did mornings.
One black spot was a really small woman in a huge old Mercedes. She was so small, at first I didn't think there was anyone in the car, and then I saw her peering through the steering wheel. Having spotted her, I just knew she was going to try and wipe me out. True to form she had a go, I took evasive action.
L asks about my injury and I tell her that my ankle survived my bike. She pulls me up on this; I was struggling with a bad calf earlier. I obviously hadn't mentioned that my calf/ankle/thigh had all become one throbbing mass.
Second day back and L is already fishing Son's college pass out of the washing machine.
More tips on how to pull the women. Win a cycle ran. Russia's Nikolai Trusov looks very pleased with himself, as he wins the Tour of Britain stage into Taunton and take the yellow jersey from Mark Cavendish.

Top Britain is now Daniel Lloyd in 8th place 18 seconds off the lead. Lloyd recently placed a close second to David Millar in the National Championships. A quite remarkable comeback after shattering his pelvis the previous season.
I cycle to the swimming pool. The traffic is still vile and I bottle out of both the Crown Island and Radford Boulevard traffic lights. I arrive at the pool just as L and surprisingly Daughter are leaving. It's very busy in the pool; both lanes have about five people in each. I pick the fast lane, mainly because there are two people snogging in the other lane. Obviously this is allowed but you try swimming the wrong way even if you're the only one in the lane and the attendant is likely to pull a gun on you.
I'm quite pleased to see that it clears pretty quickly once I get in. That is apart from one girl who seems to be trying not to get her hair wet. Her chin is always up which means that her legs kick downwards, so she's effectively trying to swim upwards and consequently getting nowhere. I have to overtake her every third length which is a pain. Then another girl who is almost as slow joins us. I spend most of the time swimming on the wrong side of the lane and start to fear the attendant's bullet.
Then two men join us, semi-psychos, and all hell breaks loose. There are now arms, legs and other body parts all over the lane as the three of us swim round, under or over the girls while trying to avoid each other. The attendant clearly doesn't know who to aim at first.
Eventually enough of this stress, I get out and go home.
Interestingly in the changing rooms, someone's had an 'Italian Job' moment and to quote Michael Caine 'blown the bloody doors off' the showers. About time too. This is progress, now no one can shut themselves away in the shower for half an hour and it means we all get a shower today.
I get home and L is out running with Doggo, I go for a short run to try and find them but without success. L does have some eccentric routes, so it's difficult to second-guess her.
We watch the last part of Anna Karenina. L promises me that it doesn't have a happy ending and it doesn't. Anna commits suicide by throwing herself onto the train tracks. Problem is by then I'm glad to see the back of her. I really don't get it. She gives up everything, her marriage, her child, her social life etc to be with her lover and then because she thinks she's going to lose him too she commits suicide. Women eh?
I intend to debate this point with L but when she slips into bed all naked and shaggable, I forget all about it.
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