Wednesday, 29 August 2007

How To Deal With Kitty

I make it to work today on my bike and in one piece, despite my brakes or lack of them.

L criticises the grammar on this blog and I am forced to make a few alterations, although I'm sure it's not that bad. Microsoft Word said it was ok. She blames too many gadgets ruining my sleep, ah but we don’t have them in the bedroom.

Terrific stuff in Osaka and we are all gripped to our radios at work as Christine Ohuruogu and Nicola Sanders clinch World Championship gold and silver in the 400m final.

After work I cycle to the pool and bump into L again, who's just come from the gym. So her needle zone must be recovering. She's in psycho blue today and not in the sexy yellow of last week.

L has a huge amount of stuff with her; so it's a good job she's not on her bike. She asks for a hand. I don’t think she means the sort of hand the gamekeeper gave to Lady C. I AM on my bike but still come home with a rucksack full of damsons and plums. I let L carry the chive plant. L says she going to knock up some damson gin, a sort of sloe gin, good old Mother's Ruin, ready for Christmas, to go with our traditional eggnog.

Apparently the plums are dead sour. Just like her, L says. So I'll love them. No doubt they'll be nice smothered in a little of one of those yoghurts I got her yesterday, just like...

Get home to find some of Daughter's friends hiding in the garden, waiting for her to come bowling. I ask them if she knows they're here? No. I ask if they've tried knocking? No. Odd bunch.

I take Doggo on the park; we get through the gate just in time, to get locked in.

L cooks Ho Fan Noodles for tea, from a cookbook called 'Cook Yourself Slim', a contradiction in terms.

We watch part two of Anna Karenina. Anna is hugely pregnant and consequently Vronsky seems to have gone off jumping her, so it's not racy like the first episode. At least Constantine gets to have his Kitty, well she agrees to marry him, but he really missed a trick. In a one scene he falls off the roof he is repairing but then hides, missing the chance to play the injured male card and hence get inside Kitty's knickers without marrying her. So I've lost all empathy with him. I have however started to feel sympathy for Karenin, Anna's husband. He would have been entitled to be feeling a little smug when Anna gets ill and almost dies but he's very supportive through the whole thing. However I'm sure he'll be punching the air with glee when he finds out that Vronsky has shot himself.

So not the rampant sex fest of the first episode but ok. I take L to bed and show her how Constantine should have dealt with Kitty.

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